Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Here it is

Election time.

Only this time The excitement is not there. In the past 2 presidential elections I've sat on the edge of the chair all night. Not this year. As of 9pm eastern its over. The country is going in the shitter. Socialism is here. The future of our country will soon be ruined forever. Make no mistake this is not about race. This is about a person so ill qualified to lead being put in charge. I am scared for the future. Nobody knows anything about Obama. In fact we know far more about Osama then Obama. Thats scary. The economy will not magically return. In 4 years the country will be in such a sad state that people will be begging to leave. Its not right the way the media jumped on the Obama bandwagon and kept the kid gloves on. They never asked the same questions they did of Bush or even of Gore and Kerry. Its pathetic what the country has become. People blindly following this guy that they know nothing about. His openly racist wife as first lady is just awful. In 1976 I quit eating peanut butter as 9 year old. I've never gone back. I have no idea what I'll quit for this guy as I like the rest of the country no nothing about him and he is now our commander in chief elect.

Go ahead and celebrate. You will all be worse off in the next 4 years as Socialism takes hold. Its not going to be pretty. I like keeping what is mine. You should have like that too. You will find out what Obama stands for when your 401K, SeP IRA, and other retirement accounts are taxed at obscene levels. Better get used to hiding your money in your mattress and buy your guns now as your 2nd Amendment rights will soon be severely curtailed.

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