Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Boys are Back

This morning I started getting ready for this weekends Dayton Air Show by heading over to which is a great website for the air show fan. Living in Ohio means you can get to several high end air shows with only a couple hours drive time. This year the headline is the Blue Angels and they put on an amazing display. No matter how many times I see them I'm still in awe. The same goes for the Thunderbirds as well as every other air show performer big or small. So since you are reading this blog you're probably assuming this post entitled The Boys are Back refers to the Blue Angels right?

Well actually no. It refers to two hooligans that will be back out terrorizing all humanity courtesy of that once great network known as MTV. The "boys" of course are Beavis and Butthead. Now I know that their form of UHHH HUH HUH HUH humor is not for everybody, but how can you not laugh at this. Ahh memories.... In fact when I graduated from The Ohio State University I was Beavis. Yes I donned a cap with the trademark Beavis hair busting thru my cap. It was too cool and amongst the 7000 graduates that day I was by far the easiest to pick out with a foot tall bright yellow block of 'cheese' on my head. I even made an appearance on the televised processional shown on the local PBS station. Almost 8 years later I was able to get a copy of that tape from a contact at the station and I'll find it and burn it to DVD soon. In any case music videos will be returning to MTV if only in pieces and we can all thank Beavis and Butthead for it.

Lets hope for good weather this weekend!

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