Saturday, January 23, 2010

Recovery of USAir 1549

I will say up front that I am a Boeing kind of guy. Give me a choice and I'll take the ride in any Boeing jet over an Airbus 100% of the time. However, sometimes you gotta give credit where t's due. This is one of those times. I saw this today and thought it was pretty neat. We've all heard and seen the story of USAir 1549 with Captain Sullenberger. He landed the Airbus A320 on the Hudson River just over a year ago. I truly believe the skill of the pilot is much more of the story, but the jet did hold up and allowed all 155 passengers to get out alive. This view is of the recovery of the jet from the water. If you've got some serious coin in your pocket the jet will be auctioned to the highest bidder soon.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Quite a miracle. I too am a Boeing guy, and still can't understand how the Airbus stayed intact with so much composite material substituting for metal. But as you stated so well, the pilot's skill was exemplary. And the recovery teams in this video are true professionals as well! Fascinating!!!