Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Blahs

Ok I'll admit it. I don't like Fridays. There I said it and anybody that happens upon this blog is thinking I must be nuts. I have my reasons and most are about privacy and sanity, but I much prefer the weekdays to weekends in the winter. Come spring and summer that changes as I try to get out and race a couple times. But I still would rather have weekdays.

I am so sick of Political ads. Here in Ohio we vote in 4 days. My phone rings 25 times a day with the stupid political calls. I've gotten about 350 mailings for candidate and issues. Don't even ask about the commercials. Maybe I am unique  here, but I research the candidates and don't need to be persuaded with all that crap. Its nice that the politicians excluded political calls from the Do Not Call List because everybody knows it great to be interrupted by babbling politicians. Well thats all for now. My son has what could be his last hockey game of this season tonight as its tournament time and they are in the losers bracket. One more loss and they are out. We have one more tournament in a couple weeks, but that team is a group of players put together from several teams.

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