Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sadness and Pain

If you saw my post from a few days ago about my sons first goal then you know that they lost the game in OT. The team that beat them got some generous calls and scored when it counted. I think its safe to say though that they were not the favorites to win the tournament. The scores of their games were 5-4, 4-3, 3-2 and that put them in the championship game against the team most (including me) expected to win . Well last night they continued and won again. Thats all fine and dandy except it just opened the floodgates of hurt for my son yet again. The cries of just one goal and the like repeated over and over. You see he has yet to figure out a way to get over the loss. As parents we say things like: suck it up or get over it, but for kids its not that easy. I wish there was a magic pill I could give him to make the hurt go away. I wish I could tell him it will never happen again, but there are some lessons that you just have to learn the hard way. Sometimes as a parent you just feel like crap. Its still one of those times.

1 comment:

pamela yaeger said...

So here's the question for your son: how did it feel when that puck hit the net? I'm willing to bet time stood still for half a second. That he didn't breathe. That as amazing and exhilarating as it was, he felt tears rush up in his throat as the roars of the crowd caught up with what he had just done.

In life, if you're playing right, your highs and lows hit hard. He's riding out a low now, and that's okay. It's not about sucking it up or preparing for next time or asking what if. He's a smart boy. How does he define his best and worst moments of the season?